さやさやの In spring
青きが尾根に Evergreens are on the mountain ridge
風はたち The breeze blows
若人の命は光る And young lives shine
学び舎は真実を求め Here, we strive for the truth
ひたすらに努むるところ And endeavor to do our best
我ぞ今北陵に立ち Now we are standing in Hokuryo
明日の日を願いて願いてゆかん And we hope for tomorrow
さらさらの In summer
清き河原に The river is clear
水はじけ Water splashes
若人の命はさやぐ The youth are spirited
学び舎は意思培い Here, we enrich ourselves
ひたすらに努むるところ And endeavor to do our best
我ぞ今北陵に立ち Now we are standing in Hokuryo
今日の日を満たして満たしてゆかん We are fulfilled today
さわさわの In autumn
歴史のありかに A place of history
時流れ Time flows
若人の命は薫る Young lives rich and vibrant
学び舎は友愛を育み We build friendships here
ひたすらに努むるところ And endeavor to do our best
我ぞ今北陵に立ち Now we are standing in Hokuryo
往にし日を深めて深めてゆかん And we deepen the day we passed