On the Playground at Mikusa Elementary

We asked the kids at Mikusa Elementary what they like to do during recess. Everyone, from grades 1 to 6, responded to our survey. Following are the top 10 most popular activities!
Recess Play: Top 10
Cops & Robbers
Talk with friends
Play house
Note: Other kinds of play mentioned were doing puzzles, drawing and breaking ice (when there is some ice to break!). Our survey was conducted in February.
Recess Closeup: Jumprope
Why is jumping rope so popular at Mikusa Elementary? We asked the principal. This is what she had to say:
We Love Jumprope!

February is "Jumprope Month" at Mikusa Elementary. Every morning at 8:25, everyone goes out to the playground to jumprope for 15 minutes. Even on cold, windy days, you get warm after jumping rope for awhile!

There are various ways to jumprope: Forward Jump, Backward Jump, various Cross Jumps, Double Jump, Triple Jump, Backward Double Jump, etc. Sometimes we have contests to see who can jump the most times in 1 minute or who can continue jumping the longest (Jumprope Marathon). Everyone tries to beat their best record. Of course the teachers try hard to not be beat! If you really try you can jump 190 times in one minute. Please try it sometime!

We have jumping boards on the playground that we use to master certain techniques such as the Double Jump. You can jump high using the jumping boards, so it's really easy. The younger students come to learn a lot of new techniques by watching the older students jump.

In February, you'll see the playground full of jumping kids at Mikusa Elementary!

Ms. Onishi
Principal, Mikusa Elementary
Yashiro, Japan

Recess Closeup: Tag
Kids play many kinds of tag. Let's introduce some of the versions popular here at Mikusa Elementary!
  • Ball Tag: Player with the ball is "it" and throws the ball at the other players. If you get hit, you're it!
  • Frozen Tag: You have to "freeze" if touched by the player who's it. You can be unfrozen by another player who's free.
  • High Tag: You can be safe if you're higher than the player who's it.
  • Color Tag: You can be safe if you touch something that's the safe color.

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