子どものためのあそびまなびの情報誌 2000春号


Across よこ
4.  It's red and yummy!
6.  baby frog
8.  The cherry blossoms are -- pretty!
10. It can fly very fast.
14. We put carp streamers on it.
15. after eight
16. --, I'm not.
18. Look, -- in the sky!
20. --, I don't.
22. It's very pretty. It can fly.

Down たて
1.  May I --- this computer?
2.  It's a yellow flower.
3.  Are you ---- tomorrow?
5.  ---, I am.
6.  We live in a nice ----.
7.  not high
9.  This flower makes me think of Holland.
11. May I ---- the window?
12. Let's sit under the ------ trees!
13. These trees bloom in February.
17. ---, two, three!

か と う ・ キ ッ ズ 目次へ戻る www.hyogo-edu.yashiro.hyogo.jp/~kato-bo/kids/