[ '96-'97 Archive ]
The Past Year at Yashiro Junior High
Student writings from the year-end edition of "Hanituti", a PTA publication. They have been translated from Japanese.

Opening Ceremony
by a first year girl

The Opening Ceremony is the first event at junior high school. I remember coming to school excitedly on my new bike, wearing a uniform I wasn't used to yet. During the ceremony my stomache growled. I was so embarrased! Making friends with people I had never talked to before...it still remains a good memory.

The Marathon.
by a second year girl

I don't like the Marathon! Warming up with a lap around Joga pond, I didn't think it'd be so bad. I thought I'd be OK. But after running awhile, it got tough. I placed, so that was some consolation. I'll try hard again next year.

Towards the Youth League Championship
by a third year boy

My goal upon joining the baseball club was to try hard and take the league championship. During practice, I chased ball after ball, and developed myself a little each time. The day finally came, July 7th. I was so nervous that my body froze. I couldn't move as I wanted. I didn't realize my goal of winning the league championship, but I found something during my two short years with the club. That is that everything was a learning experience for me. Thanks...really!

by a first year boy

Becoming a first year junior high school student, Orientation was my first time to stay over night in a big group. At the time I didn't know my classmates very well yet, so it was a good chance to make friends. I made a lot of friends. I'm taking what I learned at orientation and using it in my daily activities now.

Doing Our Best in the Cheerleading Competition
by a third year girl

It was our last big sports meet. It was the day on which I wore our class banner and stood as leader before all the members of our cheerleading squad and hollered out in a great voice, and sang and danced. Up until that day we'd met time and again but hadn't come up with a good plan. We'd worked hard at practice trying to come up with a plan. We passed such days in practice and then on the day of the competition, we bloomed like a great flower and found what a wonderful thing it is to persevere.

The Culture Festival
by a third year girl

My class's entry in the Culture Festival was a wood carving entitled "Regret". The Sports Meet was over and the talk among my friends turned to the Culture Festival, "A wood carving might be good". And so it was decided during home room to do a wood carving for the festival. Our home room teacher Mr. Li, said at the time, "A wood carving is difficult for a number of reasons. It may be the most difficult project we could do, so...let's give it a try!" We entered our carving though it was still not completed. But for me, everyone working together to the end on this difficult carving was satisfying.

Nature Outing
by a second year girl

For me the most memorable event was the nature outing. Especially the first day, climbing Mt. Hyono. I'd never climbed such a tall mountain so it was really tough. My feet were hurting, but reaching the top I felt great. It's become a good memory for me.

Nature Outing
by a second year boy

Climbing Mt. Hyono on the nature outing was great at first, but it got tough on the way and I began to dislike it. But after all we climbed it and I was happy when we reached the top. I thought then that it's important to see something difficult through to the end.

The Sports Meet
by a third year girl

What I remember most from the sports meet is "Decoration". Painting the boards was a lot more difficult than painting with watercolor. It was really hard. It was like we'd never finish, but we did finally, on the morning of the meet. We wanted ours to be better than any other class's so we (added touches) like making basketball uniforms (as part of the design). Everyone did their best. At the time I really felt alive and even now the memory comes clearly to me.

Midterm and Finals Results (Grades).
by a first year girl

Results. So called "results" are terrifying. I'll tell you why. For me, results are not always good, causing my mother grief. But, sometimes this is good. It gives me the feeling to, "Keep trying!". And of course my mother helps me out with this, too. I'll keep trying from now on.

The Speech Contest
by a second year boy

Each of us in class 2-4 wrote speeches and then discussed them. But the contents were bad, so we had to do them all over again. The second time, our class representative's voice was loud and clear and the speech's content was good, so it was selected from among our grade's speeches. I thought that our class representative did well.

Battle of the Freshman
by a first year girl

All all us first year students did was cheer, but it still was a great game! Our seniors were unrelenting and practiced hard right up to the game. Each one of them was determined. The basketball club, whose practice was usually gabby, practiced for the games with little small talk among them. They finished third, but to me they're number one.

The School Trip
by a third year boy

My first trip to Tokyo is a very nice memory for me. What I remember the most is being coaxed by some crazy kid into riding the Big Thunder Mountain. I thought I was going to die! It's embarrassing even to write about it, but it was my first time to ride that kind of jet coaster ride. There's no way I'll ever ride on one again! So that's what I remember most from the school trip.

The Happy and Sad Graduation Ceremony
by a third year girl

When I was in elementary school I had to be in the hospital for graduation. The principal, my home room teacher and my mother came. The nurse took a picture of all of us. It was a nice feeling, but sad I guess. This year I could spend graduation with everyone and so I'm very happy. But, ending up leaving everyone, I guess it's sad.

[ '96-'97 Archive ]