[ '95-'96 Archive ] [ Japanese ]
From the Writer's Desk


     January used to bring us new hope and dreams.
This year, it reminds me of that awful disaster, January 17th, 1995.
My aunt's house totally collapsed in a moment.  Fortunately, she and
her family were alive. But they felt so sad knowing their dog was
buried under a  pile of rubbish.  Three days later, my cousin heard
a weak cry of the dog.  It took time for some men to help it.  At
last, it appeared in front of everyone!  It seemed to be a miracle!
     The dog's name is "Drea", named after "Dream".  Literally,
Drea gave a dream to my aunt's family when they were living
under such miserable conditions.

                                                    Mika Uchihashi
                                                    Class 3-3
                                                    Takino Jr. High
                                                    January 1996

Four Seasons in Takino

Spring comes to Harima Chuo Park
Scattering pink petals here and there
People enjoy picnicking under the cherry blossoms.

Summer comes to the Kako River
Gathering young Ayu fish in groups
Against the pure stream
Colorful hand made rafts splash at the race.

Fall comes to the fields
Changing green rice fields into gold ones
With the sound of Japanese drums and bamboo flutes
For harvest festivals.

Winter comes to Mt. Gobu
Covering the mountain with snow
The boom of the temple bell on the top of it
Travels over the whole town of Takino 108 times
To welcome the new year.

                                      Mika Uchihashi
                                      Class 3-3
                                      Takino Jr. High
                                      January 1996